Being Childfree has soo many perks! Most of the Childfree Besties will mention freedom, time to themselves or their spouses, clean homes, extra sleep, and extra spending money as the main benefits. I agree with all of those, but for me, the biggest benefit is the time I get to spend with my parents. I grew up with both my parents. We were a close-knit family, and I was well loved by them both. Of course, as a teen and young adult, my parents were not my favorite people to be around (all those “stupid” rules). In my mind, they were getting in my way of me spreading my little ignorant wings. As a woman closer to 40 than not, I now have a much deeper appreciation of my parents. We differ on several topics, and I have diverted from the plan I’m sure they envisioned for me as a child, but what can I say? I do my own thing! They have watched (likely through partially shielded eyes) as I have navigated my way around adulthood and gr...
This is a special and sacred space where thoughts and feelings are shared about being a CHILDFREE BLACK WOMAN! Black childfree women are apart of a unique and steadily increasing; yet, often forgotten club! But Sistah, we see you, we value you, we are you! We dispel the "Old Maid" myth and share our truth with a touch of humor! We are wonderfully made and living our best childfree life! We want you to remember this, "Womanhood is NOT synonymous with Motherhood!"