I want to share a little story about Lenni, my pit bull mix rescue. A non-bonding experience with him truly opened my eyes to a few things about “parenthood”. First, let me start out by saying that I KNOW a pet is NOT a physical child. So please do not come for me, lol. I just needed to make that very clear before proceeding with this post. However, for many pet owners, including myself, our pets ARE our “children” and very much part of the family. A few months ago, I walked into my house after a long day of work. I was feeling beat down and torn. All I wanted to do was walk Lenni, eat dinner, shower, and spend the rest of the evening on the couch. To my surprise, I walked in and immediately discovered that my home had been violated and burglarized! I stepped over toiletries, towels, plants, books, garbage, and oh yeah, a torn up couch! As I stood in the middle of my living room trying to make sense of what happened, I became overwhelmed and frustrated when I re
This is a special and sacred space where thoughts and feelings are shared about being a CHILDFREE BLACK WOMAN! Black childfree women are apart of a unique and steadily increasing; yet, often forgotten club! But Sistah, we see you, we value you, we are you! We dispel the "Old Maid" myth and share our truth with a touch of humor! We are wonderfully made and living our best childfree life! We want you to remember this, "Womanhood is NOT synonymous with Motherhood!"