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"Sensitive Ears"

Okay, so I already know there will be some people who will get where I am going with this! Yes! However, I also know there will be a few who will likely be in their feelings about MY experience and MY truth. Just in case you missed it, there is an emphasis on MY, lol!  We live in a world where it is frowned upon to talk negatively about other folk’s children. I have watched plenty of reality shows to know that calling out someone’s kid are undisputed reasons to have yours edges snatched and your butt beat! So in order to keep the peace (cause I definitely want to keep my edges, lol), please know that I am not talking about YOUR child (if you so happen to have children); then again, maybe I am.  Keep reading to see!

A few weeks ago, I needed to pick up a few items for my home, so I decided to make a quick run to the dollar store. On this particular day, it was pretty packed because it was the first week in January and people were catching the 50% to 80% discounts on Christmas decorations. Surprisingly, there were a bunch of kids just running up and down the aisles touching this and that. Now typically, I would have just left the store because I tend to get overwhelmed when there are just children running all over the place.  However, I decided to redirect my energy and continue browsing.  My day had already started on a positive note, which included working out that morning, getting some personal projects completed, and just enjoying the warm and sunny weather.  While in deep thought trying to decide between Purex and OxiClean, I suddenly heard this gut wrenching scream.  I immediately thought to myself, “Let me hurry up and get the hell out of here.”

As I am trying to prevent from being hit in the head (two little boys had made the aisle I was standing in their personal football field), I continued to hear the screaming.  By this time, I have decided to end my browsing so that I can make my way to the front door.  While in route, I sensed my body tensing up and my irritation levels rising. There are just too many little kids running around in this store with no supervision.  Before I could make it to the door, I overheard a mother trying to negotiate with her screaming daughter. This little girl had to be about five or six years old. She was having the biggest meltdown ever because all she wanted was a nail polish that her mother obviously was not going to let her have.  I guess the mother could no longer take her daughter’s nagging and begging; therefore, she proceeded to snatch the nail polish out of her daughter’s hand. Lord have mercy, this little girl lost it!  Despite truly wanting to exit left, I lingered to watch and hear what was about to go down.  This little girl screamed, and screamed, and screamed, and screamed!  Everyone in the store had the “WTH” look on their faces, and even the kids that were running around like crazy seemed curious as to what was going on. The scream increased in octaves as this little girl threw herself to the floor. I lurked around in the aisle, shook my head, curious as to what this mother was going to do next.  The mother strolled away, confidently unbothered, and faded away into a different aisle.  Just when I thought this little girl’s scream could not get any louder, she belted out a scream that had to come from the bottomless pit of hell!  My ears were too sensitive to what I now deemed as “foolishness” in my head. As I walked out the door and to my car, I realized that I would never want to handle a meltdown like that; hence, why I am childfree.  What was supposed to be a quick visit to the dollar store, turned out to be me walking straight into a jungle gym. I am not sure if every kid was truly out of control on this day or if it was just me, being super sensitive to the noise of children bickering, crying, running, and screaming.  I think it is the latter.  Maybe it is both. What I do know is MAJOR KUDOS to all those who work in childcare and elementary schools! You guys rock! I wonder if complimentary earplugs come with the job, lol?  So my random question to all reading this post, Purex or Oxiclean, because I left with neither on this day, lol!

*Thank you so very much for reading my blog post.  Please take a quick moment to post your
thoughts below.*


Kadian said…
Too common! I cannot even explain the relief I experience when I leave the store knowing I do not have to manage those meltdowns.
Unknown said…
Not one for unruly or "bad" children. I would have been like you and left that store empty handed as well.
Unknown said…
Not one for unruly or "bad" children. I would have been like you and left that store empty handed as well.
Anonymous said…
I have a child and still have "sensitive ears". In fact, MY child has "sensitive ears". I have left a many of places because of unruly children. Oh-get the Oxiclean.
Kenyatta said…
Oxiclean is my choice. I am a mother and a teacher so I do understand this does happen alot. Tantrums are handled differently by people. I have snatched up my kids in the store and I have left a kid in the aisle screaming.
SHL said…
As the mom I still have sensitive ears, although my son is not a loud child he can have his moments. You did the right thing, no need to subject your ears to the rantings of a loud child!!
Anonymous said…
This is a very good blog perhaps you should also think about a podcast I would
love to hear it . I am looking forward to the next post
PrettyNPink said…
Kids are definitely a reflection of parenting. What's tolerated is taught. I have two and they never had a meltdown. I never spanked them and used "time out" and lecturing for discipline. Differences in morals, values and what is defined as "good sense" are reflected in the behavior you observed. Unfortunately, these kids grow up to be not so perfect adults and pass down the same behavior acceptance to their children.
Anonymous said…
I have 2 Children and have sensitive ears. I cannot stand places like Chuck E. Cheese and can barely tolerate Dave n Busters for the very same reason... my ears and tolerance for unruly children. Also, I like OxiClean better.
Anonymous said…
Before we entered the store my mother told is two things, she’s not buying anything and don’t embarrass her. That was it, we knew if any rule was broken we would meet a belt, switch or an extension cord. Now I understand people don’t whomp their kids anymore but there are more forms of discipline that can be used. I also don’t care going into places with a lot of kids, if I have to my trusty in the ear headphones blaring my favorite tunes.

I take the Ame route as our country, there is no negotiating with terrorist. Get it?

Lynelle said…
I can’t handle these situations either. I get annoyed easily when there’s a lot of screaming involved. Or just nonchalant parenting. I try not to judge because I know it’s hard work being a parent, but I have to remove myself when I see this happening. Oh, and Oxiclean!
PoP said…
I love children. Especially well mannered children. It shows that the parents are aiming to have a respectful child. As an eighties baby, I believe a great deal of the morals, respect, and ethics that were instilled in my childhood are slightly extinct. The village can't raise the child if the parents don't set the foundation! Oxiclean :-)
Anonymous said…
This blog was about unruly kids and I thought it would be about the wonderful life of living child free.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
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